Hello all.
2 Jan,
spent the day @ home from morning till evening with the computer. Bathed & prepared, went out around 7.30pm with sis. Headed to Jp as we needed to have dinner & buy Kayle's birthday gift :)
Shopped around John Little @ the kids section, didn't manage to find anything for her. Hence we headed to Kiddy Palace. Wanted to get shoes/clothes, but we were afraid we got the wrong size :/ Eventually we decided to get her a bag & water bottle, since she's attending school already :) Prezzie was shared among sis, Ant & I. Ant reached aftermath, & we took quite some time to decide what to have for dinner. Decided on Ichiban sushi. Queued for quite a while, finally got in. Ate like pigs eh, we were soooo hungry. Finished our food around 10pm, sis picked the bill :} Costs her around $110 just for 3 of us, hah :D
Wanted to go prawning, but we ended up going to Kbox. Long time since I last went there, had a great time there ytd! Sang from around 10+ till 1+, then we decided to leave. Cabbed home @ around 2am. Bathed, & made jelly for Kayle. Finally finished everything & cleaned up by almost 4am. Rested for a while, then went to bed @ almost 5am.
Woke up around 10am, had to bath & prepare to go over to Kl's place. Went Maguang to wait for Adeline finish her therapy session, then cabbed over with bro & her. Reached around 12.15pm. Ate, took pictures, played with Kayle, cut birthday cake. Mum & dad left 1st as they were heading to Jb. Bro & Ade left together with Ahgim's family, while I stayed on till evening. Played with Kayle & took quite many pictures of her, as requested by sis. Played scrabble with Kl & Mf. Lost 1 round, & won the other. Hah. Kayle was taking her afternoon nap then. Watched tv & used the computer till around 6pm, then Kl drove me home. Thanks! Kl's asking me to quickly take my basic theory, but I guess the minimum age limit now is 18(?), unlike last time..
Reached home around 630pm, rested & had dinner. Used the comp till now, gonna go bath in a short while. Tomorrow's Monday = Work! No more long holidays, less clubbing, less drinking with my girls as school's reopening for them. Gonna work hard & save, hopefully a BKK trip during Feb/March.
Might be heading to town with Crystal this coming weekend, to shop around. We'll see how it goes.. I miss some people, & I haven't been able to spend quality time with them since holidays began. I guess I've been neglecting some things around me. Need to go Jb & get my hair done soon, before cny comes. Can't wait for Felt's birthday chalet in a couple of weeks' time, gonna make sure every1 KO that day, especially Hua & Jun (!!!!!!).
That's all for now, bye..!
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