First spot chosen was here, reason being.. THERE'S SHADE :D

Eh, album cover ah?? LOL!



Yummmeh :D
Waiting for Haeks to upload the rest of the pictures! ^^
Anyway, good afternoon! Just had my lunch, pathetic -.- Tom Yum maggie mee + egg. Oh well, I'm too lazy to go out and get food :/ Hmm, think I'll be meeting sayang for dinner later @ town, after his class ends. Wonder what's wrong yesterday.. We had yucky food for dinner, and to make it worse, we had some misunderstandings + complications after that. I hope all the unpleasant stuff would stop ahhhhhhhh, =(
Time to shower! Pack my stuff & off I go~ Byeeeee!
"I will re-read our conversation(s) a million times because it makes me smile"
(yes, those nonsensical ones, hehehe)
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