Hey guys! :)
Today's a pretty good day for me cos I worked hard to solve the problem statement for Math, LOL. It's the first time I'm presenting about "solving the problem statement" for Math in this semester. *Wide smile* Heehee :P
Anyway I was in a group chat this morning with my classmates, gossiping about K -_- His feet seriously stink TTM! Can't he be more automatic and put on his shoes.. Ohhhh man -.- MHK & I escaped to do our work at Cow's table, HAHAHA! Stayed put there throughout the third meeting :P
I had chicken rice for brunch.. Was planning to look around at the career fair held in RP today but we ended up doing Math ppt in class during the 2nd break..
I told LOTS and LOTS of lame jokes to my usual clique today to the extent they don't know to laugh or cry. HAHAHA! :D Thanks to twitter~ We headed to CWP after class ended.. Had durian pancakes and bread cos we were starvingggg :( Supposed to help Hua check out the water bottles, but apparently the shop is closed due to renovation works going on..We hanged around there for quite a while due to the strooooong winds that were blowing out there. There was a sudden downpour you see, hmmm..
Took Mrt back with MHK and we talked about our families.. Lol, I can see that it's not just my mum who's so naggy. His mum behaves this way as well -.- I think we really talked A LOT today.. LOL! The benefits of being the youngest child, and of cos there's a negative side to it as well..
Think I got home at 5pm+.. Shall head out to meet A now, bye~ =)
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