1 of the pics taken w Jun a few days back. Upload more soon kay? :)
Anyway a few days back sayang and I were talking about how he annoyed me (back then when he's still working @ SMV) when he shared an umbrella with me due to wet weather. I was totally like... "Zzzzz stop standing so close to me lol I'd rather get drenched." HAHAHAHA! And it turned out that it poured early this morning when I was walking to the office building.. Damn it. This time round, I was like.. "Haiyooooh if only sayang's here with his umbrella :'("
Oh well, what to do? Hahaha.
So it's a good start for me to have sales today, hopefully I won't get any complain calls coz I feel kinda rusty with regards to transferring the line to sales team.. Met new people, and Zp guessed my age as 16 (OMG THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER FOR THE PAST 9MONTHS) . Usually they would range around 20+, and the worst case is that 2 of them thought I'm 25 -__- Thank goodness I look young, hehehe.
He's like, "Yi kan jiu shi xiao mei mei!!" HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you lorrrrr :B Tskkkk after saying that, Colin continued telling Zp.. "But she make up really look different liao. That time ah, go clubbing together ah, she dance like... *demonstrates* " WALAOEH :( That time high already can't remember what I doing k! Furthermore, hipopo was doing it with me :P
Hipopo is still blur as usual, hahaha. And she was telling me.. "You no make up also pretty already, you are a natural beauty. Your one is outer beauty, not inner"
And Colin kept "satay-ing" me plus pulling back my chair, whoa, *sweat* Gave Ouwen a call @ his extension coz I wanna borrow his nail clipper.. And we were like.. "Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? OHHH JIAN DAN AH!!!" HAHAHAHAHAA, I'm glad everyone's still the same!
Looking forward to maggie goreng again tomorrow, I just miss the food so darn much :( Can't wait to get my hair dyed, heeheehee.
Oh and Grace & I were talking quite a lot about sayang & I, hahaha. Like, long time didn't catch up with her, most of the time I catch up with Pinky & Elephy..
And it's almost 8pm already, I'm feeling super duper hungry :( Mum called so long ago asking me what I wanna eat, and now she's not even home yet! Ahhhhhhh :/
Hello sayang, this goes out to you =)
I wanna be the girl who makes your bad days better.
The one that makes you say, “My life has changed since I met her.” ♥
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