Pics continued from the previous post, and there's more on fb..
Because I'm always blogging after 12am, my blog post date is always wrong -__-
Anyway.. 11/09/10 :
I woke up in the noon and got stuck on my laptop till late noon. Was chatting with Jun and she asked me to go Jp and eat with her.. So I went to take a shower and prepared before heading out to meet her =) Yes, I took really long to bath + dry my hair so I only reached Jp @ 6pm :X
And btw I'm always waking up and laughing to myself after seeing the pictures which sayang MMS-ed me, hehehe :P He and his weird pose, LOL! He's so thick skinned to send me a SMS saying, "you look as young as me ok!" Tsktsktsk! Unlike somebody, I do not have crow's feet when I laugh :P
Day 1 of Hari Raya, he surprised me by telling me about his conversation with his Dad. Day 2 of Hari Raya, I was once again pleasantly surprised when he told me about his Mum's response. (I am still feeling happy now, lololol) Felt a lil nervous & shy (idk why), but I'm really glad things are progressing towards the positive side! ^^ I hope things will maintain (in fact continue to progress) in this wonderful direction!
I ♥ you darling, ;) I'm like the happiest girl on earth now, hehehe :D
Yup back to topic. After having dinner @ Banquet, Jun & I roamed around Jp and then went to her house while waiting for 9pm to come -_- The original plan was to meet Felt & Hua @ 9pm @ Pioneer Mall Mac, but Hua ended up sleeping till 10pm and we changed our plans.. Jun & I went to meet Felt & Darren instead.. And Chooho too. Hanged around till 12.30am then I made my way home. There was seriously nothing much to do, :(
Might be meeting my girls again tomorrow, I don't know :/ I wanna study but I think I'll end up slacking and chatting away if I go with them. Hmmmm, will decide after I've woken up tomorrow. Had an awesome time chatting with sayang on the phone earlier on, and I'm gonna turn in now! Goooooood night people, hehehe =)
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