BBQ @ Felt's aunt's new place + stay over @ Felt's place :D More pics on Fb~
Happy girl again. Of cozzzz, thanks to all the fun my girls gave me :) My family will never, ever, organize something like this. Oh well.. We met in the late noon and took bus from JE to somewhere near WCP.. Had some food @ Felt's aunt's place and looked around before helping out with the preparation for the BBQ.. To be exact, we started BBQ-ing around 6+ or 7pm.. Took them quite a while to start the fire..
Anyway sayang joined us later on, and he somehow got his directions wrong.. Ahhhh nvm. At least he made it here, LOL. So it was all about food, talk, laughter, pictures.. All of us (sayang too) had our palms read by Felt's Godfather (pretty acurrate leh!!!). Hmmm, like what he told us, don't believe too much in all these coz after all, we have to work hard for whatever we wanna achieve. I'm just pretty surprised that my palm lines actually told about something like.. Haizzzz, which is so darn true.
Only told Wen about this before.. And I'm sure I've changed somehow, but not sufficient.. It's okay, I'm still young. Still got a long way to go! ^^ Get married @ around 28? Hmmmm.. If my groom's gonna be sayang, by then he'll be so old :B But actually, I feel like getting married around 24-26 lah.. I won't just let everything happen according to my palm lines.
Halfway through while he's talking to us (very motivating hor) , he looked @ me and said.. "Is he your bf?" (referring to sayang) So I was like "Yah".. And he whispered back, "这个男的很不错。他有华人的头脑.." Which means "This guy is not bad, and he thinks like a Chinese.." LOL, how true.. Cos sayang's thinking is really not-so-malay. I'm glad to hear that you're NOT BAD lehhhhh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
After hearing all that he told us, I have to agree with him.. Don't follow life & fate blindly, work hard for everything. Good or bad, you still have to work hard. If your palm lines show that you can make it big, but you don't give yourself an opportunity to work hard for it, then it's pretty pointless and you'll never make it there right? Hmmmm.. Well well well..
Anyway, shared a cab back with sayang & Hua. Dropped him @ Jp and we continued to head home.. Bathed and we went to Felt's place @ about 12.30am? Hua was so dumb last night, she brought me to take a longer path -.- I slept the earliest.. Bo bian ahhhh, headache k! Jun left @ 3am+ coz her parents came to pick her up.. And as for the rest of us, we slept till this morning about 9 - 10am+ .. If Hua don't need to go out today, definitely I'll sleep even longer.. Went to get brunch with Hua before we went home..
Today is a stay-at-home day! Gonna find something relaxing to do, or perhaps take a nap coz it looks like it's gonna rain soon.. Bye ^_^
(Visiting plans with sayang were cancelled due to unforeseen arguments, lol. Gonna see his Mum next week, maybe?)
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